Boston Real Estate for Sale

The following information is from the local MLS database, as of July 12, 2008, compared to (July 7, 2008) (and July 14, 2007 – where available).

Total # of condos for sale in the city of Boston: 2,278 (2,309) (2,464)
Average # of days on market: 130 (129) (122)

Number of condos sold (closed) over past 30 days: 417 (394) (522)
Average days on market, sold units: 98 (96) (87)
Ratio, closing (sales) price to original (list) price: 95% (95%) (95%)

Median close price, 2008: $381,800
Median close price, 2007: $369,950

Average close price, 2008: $532,857
Average close price, 2007: $505,190

Number of properties going under agreement, last 30 days: 423 (410) (467)
Average days on market: 92 (96) (N/A)

Velocity: $222,201,238 ($216,159,855) ($263,709,276)
(Velocity is the # of units sold during last 30 days multiplied by the $ amount)

My thoughts: Summertime, and the lovin’ is easy. (Is that the line?)

Based on information provided to and compiled byMLS Property Information Network, Inc. covering the period 6/12/2008 – 7/12/2008, and the period 6/14/2007 – 7/14/2007.

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