Boston Real Estate for Sale

The following information is from the local MLS database as of January 3, 2009, compared to (December 27, 2008) and (January 3, 2008).

Total # of condos for sale in the city of Boston: 1,464 (1,575) (1,922)
Average # of days on market: 155 (154) (156)

Number of condos sold, past 30 days: 202 (184) (212)
Average days on market, sold units: 95 (100) (107)
Ratio, closing/sales price to original/list price: 91% (90%) (92%)
Months’ supply of condos: 7.25 (8.55) (9.06)

Median close price, last thirty days, this year: $300,000
Median close price, last thirty days, last year: $375,000

Average close price, last thirty days, this year: $450,698
Average close price, last thirty days, last year: $494,920

# of properties going under agreement, last thirty days: 163 (160) (181)
Average # of days on market: 127 (123) (115)

Velocity: $91,041,085 ($77,756,020) ($114,256,350)
(Velocity is the # of units sold during last 30 days multiplied by the $ amount)

My thoughts: Sales volume and median and average prices have dropped compared to last year.

* IMPORTANT: Starting next week, we will begin using sales data from LINK, not from MLSPIN. LINK data is more accurate, as its information is pulled directly from the Suffolk County Registry of Deeds.

Based on information provided to and compiled by the Multiple Listing Service Property Information Network, Inc. covering the period 12/03/2008 – 1/03/2009, 11/27/2008 – 12/27/2008, and 12/03/2007 – 1/03/2008.

boston real estate

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