Boston Real Estate for Sale

Byline – John Ford Boston Beacon Hill Condo Broker 137 Charles St. Boston, MA 02114

The last nail-Beacon Hill Apartment

Boston Condos for Sale and Apartments for Rent


The last nail-Beacon Hill Apartment

Tat. Tat. Tat.

The tapping in his Beacon Hill apartment came in quick bursts. The blows were neither sharp nor strident, but in the absence of all other sound, they echoed in the silence.

Tat. Tat. Tat.

The carpenter was deft. Each nail hammered with economy of effort. If they were not perfectly straight, no human eye could discern a slant.

Tat. Tat. Tat.

The Beacon Hill renter who admires the careful attention to detail, should have enjoyed to watch such a master artisan at work.

Tat. Tat. Tat.

But the Beacon Hill apartment renter was too overwhelmed with dread. Which nail would be the last?

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