You probably don’t care about this, but I’ve noticed that on Saturdays and Sundays my Boston Real Estate Blog readership drops by almost 20 percent. Why you ask? Well the truth be told – I kinda get lazy, because of NFL football games.
So I’m going to start, as of today, a new blog post for either Saturday or Sunday entitled: “What I learned this week.” Hoping some of my readers will find this interesting and read my blog over the weekend.
So today’s my first one: Are you ready?
If you’ve ever followed the stock market, you’ve heard the term “Bear Market.” So where did that term come from?
The term “bear” is for someone who profits when stocks fall. It dates back to the early 1700s “To sell the Bear’s skin before one has caught the bear.” Thus, that was the early description of a short seller.
I have more. Please leave a comment if you’d like me to tell you another item that perhaps you’ll find interesting, but sometimes not well known.
Yes, this is a teaser. I just wanted to find out if any one is reading my Boston Real Estate Blog on a Saturday afternoon or on a Sunday.
As that old Verizon TV commercial said: “Hello, can you here me now?”
File Under: Weekend readers, am I getting a busy signal?