Boston Real Estate
I’ve been working with a young gentleman who was looking at Beacon Hill apartments for rent. Over the weekend, we found a nice one bedroom on Myrtle Street that was of interest, I told him the details, $1,800 per month and no broker fee. He said he would take the apartment for a January (not December) start date and he also wanted a free month’s rent.
Now, before I continue with this story, let me state I’m all for trying to get the best deals I can for my clients.
Back to the story, I told him let’s complete the application and I’ll put in the request. So we moved forward, and the landlord came back that he would accept the January instead of December start date and pay the broker fee, but no one month’s free rent,
The client said he wanted to search around more before accepting the Beacon Hill apartment. I told him this maybe this best deal I can find you I wouldn’t wait too long.
This morning (Monday) he called and said he wanted to move forward on his Beacon Hill apartment application. You probably guessed it, the apartment was rented out.
I’m reminded of this story:
The Dog and the Meat
Be satisfied with what you have or you may lose it
A dog with a fine slab of meat in his mouth crossed a bridge over a river and saw his reflection in the water. Thinking it to be another dog with a larger piece of meat he let go of his own and dived at the other dog to take it. He surfaced with nothing and his dinner washed away in the current.
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