Boston Real Estate for Sale

When is the best time to move into a Beacon Hill condo or apartment? Simple answer, there isn’t a single best season to move to Beacon Hill, each season has  its pro’s and con’s. You can move here at just about any time of year and find condos and apartments available.

In this blog posts,  will go over the advantages and disadvantages of each season

Beacon Hill in the Spring

With temperatures  warming up after a New England winter, the months between March and May are usually when more condos and apartments come on the market.  Snowbirds and seasonal residents start to head back to Beacon Hill around this time, so you may find an uptick on traffic streets, bit aren’t as busy as the Summer or early September. You should be able to find deals on early September apartment listings, particularly if you rent them out months. As a Beacon Hill condo buyer, inventory for sales listings are coming on the market for you to view.

Beacon Hill in the Summer

Summer is the time of the year to rent a Beacon Hill apartment, especially for Suffolk or Emerson students. At this time its at the peak of inventory listings.  This is when you can expect sunnier and warmer days to view apartments.The disadvantage it the Summer is the high season for tourism and parking a moving van can be tough.

Beacon Hill in the Fall

People who are looking  September or October will find inventory low as most apartments are on a September one year cycle, and shrewd renters know to look in the summer. However, the good news, rents do come  down in price and brokers are more willing to negotiate broker fees. In reference to Beacon Hill condo buyer’s, this is a perfect to to view properties for sale.

Beacon Hill the Winter

From about Thanksgiving Day to mid February, is the slow season for the Beacon Hill real estate market both for condo sales and rentals where many have purchased or leased condominiums in the Summer or Fall. You can expect short supply of apartments for rent and even lower amounts of condos for sale. The good news, prices for condos and apartments are more negotiable.

Beacon Hill is an amazing place to move to any time of year, so much so that many visitors fall in love with the Beacon Hill neighborhood and end up buying or renting Beacon Hill real estate. If you’re ready to find your perfect Beacon Hill home, call one of our friendly agents today at 617-595-3712 or email

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