Boston Real Estate for Sale

Boston Condos for Sale and Apartment Rentals


Boston Back Bay Apartments FAQ

How many Boston Back Bay apartments rented in the last 3 months of 2021?

In the last 3 months of 2021, 139 Boston Back Bay apartments were rented.

What is the average size of a Boston Back Bay apartment?

The average size of a Boston Back Bay apartments is 669 sq. ft.

What is the median list price for a Boston Back Bay apartment?

The median list price of a Boston Back Bay apartment for last 3 months of 2021 was $2,850.00 per month according to MLS

What is the average days-on-market for a Back Bay apartment to be rented?

It takes on average 21 days for a Boston Back Bay apartment to be rented according to MLS

What is the averaged rented price for a Boston Back Bay apartment in last 3 months of 2021?

The average rental price for a Boston Back bay rental is $2,795.00 in the last months of 2021 according to MLS

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Boston Condos for Sale and Apartment Rentals


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