Comparing the most expensive Boston luxury condo sales for the 3rd Q 2007-2010:
The most expensive Boston luxury condo sale 3rd Q 2007:
88 Beacon Street #3
sold on 8/2/07
Price: $5,500,000
The most expensive Boston luxury condo sale 3rd Q 2008:
The Madarin PH2-E
sold on 9/15/08
Price: $13,089,000
The most expensive Boston luxury condo sale 3rd Q 2009:
21-23 Marlborough St #3
sold on 8/5/09
Price: $3,650,00
The most expensive Boston luxury condo sale 3rd Q 2010:
150 Beacon Street PH
sold on 9/3/10
Price: $8,500,000
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