Boston Real Estate for Sale

Boston Real Estate for Sale 2021 


Waterworks at Chestnut Hill, The Watermark, D4, Hammondswood, The Modern.

Developers choose names for their projects, very carefully.

At times, the lengths they go through seem absurd. Atelier 505, in the South End, comes to mind. Does it really matter? A street address is sometimes just as good, don’t you think.

For specific projects, it’s a great idea, I think.

For example, here’s a grand development I know a lot about, which will benefit from branding (and, perhaps, a bit of internet marketing?):

Along the city’s waterfront in South Boston, the Archon Group and Goldman Properties recently re-lit the historic ˜Boston Wharf Real Estate Co. Industrial Real Estate sign which had been dark for two decades in the hopes of giving the neighborhood where it is renovating 17 buildings a distinctive landmark.

[The company] hopes it will brand the up-and-coming neighborhood as a development hot spot for buyers.

[The developer] concedes that the branding will help differentiate the Boston Wharf project from so many other residential developments now under construction in the city; giving it an identity uniquely its own. In the next 12 months to 18 months, he says, the development partners plan to roll out a comprehensive ad campaign that will really create the brand and what the brand stands for?

More: Developers Brands Residential Projects – By Beverly Ford,

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Updated: Boston Real Estate Market 2021

Boston Real Estate for Sale 2021 


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