Boston Real Estate for Sale

Boston Condos for Sale and Apartments for Rent


How to price a Boston condo for sale

Pricing a Boston condo for sale correctly isn’t s easy as we make it look. In today’s Boston Real Estate Blog post we’ll discuss one of the factors we take into consideration when pricing a Boston condo for sale.

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What are Boston condo comparable home sales?

Known throughout the real estate industry as “comps,” comparable sales are the sales prices of similar homes. When you’re buying a home

We look at three comparable condominiums that are nearby the subject property and that ideally have sold in the last one – three months. If the homeowners call in February about putting a house on the market in May we need to adjust the price upward from the previous May.

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Does the time of year make a difference when selling a Boston condo?

We can usually predict that prices will be higher during the spring home sales season than they are during the holidays. The Spring of 2023 may be an exception because of the higher mortgage interest rates. We have to watch the market and see what kind of an impact those rates will have on home sale prices.

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Boston condos for sale and the bottom line

As long as the demand remains high and as long as people have jobs the Boston condo market should remain steady through 2023. The big unknown is how much higher is the Fed going to raise interest rates.

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