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We are providing to you, the South Boston real estate condo buyer a unique opportunity between now til September 1st. We’ll share with you 1/2 our broker fee up to 1%, if you submit an acceptable Offer on a South Boston condo for sale.
For more information please call me at 617-595-3712
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South Boston Condo Sales Stats last 30 Days in 2021
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Boston Real Estate for Sale

Ford Realty Inc., Boston Real Estate for Sale
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Updated: Boston Real Estate 2021
South Boston Condo Sales Stats 2021
What is the average number of South Boston condos for sale in 2021?
The average number of South Boston condos for sale in 2021 is 127 condominiums
How many South Boston condos sold in the 1st Q of 2021?
178 South Boston condos sold in the 1st Q of 2021
What is the average living area for a South Boston condo?
The average living area for a South Boston condo is 1053 sq ft
What’s the average number of days a South Boston condo is on the market?
The avg number of days a South Boston condo for sale is on the market – 22
What’s the average sales price for a South Boston condo in 2021?
The avg sales price for a South Boston condo in 2021 is $755,000
What is the average sales price per sq./ft. for a South Boston condo in 2021?
The avg sales price per sq ft is $746.00