Boston Real Estate for Sale

Boston: we’re #153!

The Milken Institute, a non-profit think tank run by convicted felon philanthropist Mike Milken, is out with its annual “Best Cities in the United States” list, 2007. It’s actually called “Best Performing Cities” and its mostly related to...

Oh, I can’t wait!

Let the fun begin! From today’s Globe: In interviews in East Boston yesterday, many residents – veteran and occasional gamblers alike – were already anticipating the all-night electricity of a casino floor. “I’m there,” exulted...

Oh, well, on to Plan D

The tunnel on Storrow Drive is falling apart (wait, what was that sound I just heard …). So, the powers that be came up with three plans: repair the existing tunnel, eliminate the existing tunnel and create surface parkway (with stop lights), or replace the...

We’re #1!

Actually, #4. The federal minimum wage goes from $5.15 to $5.85 per hour, on Tuesday. Which doesn’t make much difference to us, here in Massachusetts. Our minimum wage is set at $7.50, to rise to $8.00 on January 1, 2008. How does this compare with other states?...

Convention Center looks to increase its debt

So, they want to expand the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center. According to the Globe: Encouraged by the steady growth in its bookings, Boston Convention & Exhibition Center officials yesterday took a key first step toward an expansion of the $700 million,...
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