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Foreign buyers prop up U.S. real estate market 

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Foreign buyers prop up U.S. real estate market 

Foreign buyers splurging on luxury US homes, amid struggling resi market

International buyers are paying up to 20% more than before

International buyers are paying up to 20 percent more for US homes with Canada leading the pack
(Illustration by The Real Deal)
Canadians made up 13 percent of international buyers, bumping down Chinese buyers from the top in the preceding 12-month period, according to NAR data examining buying patterns in the past 12-month period as of March.

The data also shows that international buyers are paying upwards of 20 percent more for median homes than the prior period, compared to domestic buyers only spending 2 percent more. International home buyers are paying an average price of $475,000, an average of $80,000 more than their US counterparts, compared to the prior period.

Buyers from India are fewer, but spend even more on average. They comprised 10 percent of foreign buyers, spending about $700 million more than the prior year, and generally buying higher-priced homes. Their median purchase was $675,000 with Florida and Texas their preferred locations.  

International buyers have always been a small percentage of the market, making up less than 2 percent. It has dwindled slightly from 1.8 to 1.3 percent over the past year, a decrease attributed to low inventory and increased interest rates, according to the WSJ.

Foreign purchases also tend to be concentrated in Florida, California, Texas and Arizona. The Real Deal reported more than 13,000 deals in Palm Beach, Florida, with buyers in other U.S. states and 1,224 sales to buyers with addresses in foreign countries, totaling over $11 billion and nearly $1 billion in volume, respectively. Foreign and out-of-state buyers accounted for about 19 percent of sales in Palm Beach County in that period.

International buyers are generally less affected by rising interest rates since half of them paid cash, up from 42% last year. They are more affected by low inventory.

Peace be with you

Byline – John Ford Boston Beacon Hill Condo Broker 137 Charles St. Boston, MA 02114

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Foreign buyers prop up U.S. real estate market 

Foreign buyers have always been an important part of the U.S. luxury real estate market, but gauging where they are from can be difficult because many use shell companies domiciled in the U.S.

Some international buyers, however, are named in their transaction records, allowing for an examination of their countries of origin and in which neighborhoods they are investing most.

Its very hard to figure out where all that international money is coming from — and where it’s going — The Real Deal examined NYC records of real estate transactions. The analysis was of residential sales to named buyers with addresses outside the U.S. over two years through Oct. 25, 2023. We excluded any purchases made through LLCs or other corporate entities, which greatly reduced the number of international deals in the sample.

Sifting through the remaining 191 transactions totaling nearly $310 million in volume, TRD found that the most common country of origin for foreign buyers was on our northern border.

1. Canadians purchased the most residential properties in the sample, both by number (31) and volume ($43 million, or 15 percent of the total).

 2. The second most common country was the United Kingdom. Brits accounted for over 10 percent of the total with nearly $33 million in volume across 16 deals.

 3. Next was France, whence buyers spent just under $20 million on 14 homes.

4. followed closely in volume by the Netherlands.

Dutch buyers in the sample dropped over $18 million on city homes in the past two years. That was spread across just six deals.

Source: The Real Deal

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Yes, the foreign buyers are back again, and yes there even buying up Boston condos for sale.



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From TIME magazine:

Foreign buyers are snapping up U.S. real estate at bargain prices.

Dubai investors bought the General Motors Building in New York City for $2.8 billion. The Abu Dhabi Investment Council’s sovereign wealth fund bought a 90 percent stake in the landmark Chrysler Building.

In all, foreigners spent $52.2 billion on U.S. commercial real estate in 2007, double the previous year’s total, according to Real Capital Analytics, a research group based in New York City that tracks property investment.

Source: Foreigners Take Advantage of U.S. Bargains – TIME magazine by way of

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