President Obama is going to be coming out with a new jobs bill after Labor Day. I’m all for this. I’ve mentioned on this real estate blog over and over again, the best way to help the national housing sales slump is with jobs, jobs, jobs. But in the meantime, I have one question for President Obama: Why was the new Martin Luther King memorial now “gracing” our national mall made in China?
We couldn’t find one African American company to build this $125 million statue. Next time you view the Martin Luther King Memorial look at the eyes. See photo below:
I guess the reason they went to China is that it was cheaper, no unions to deal with. WTF, the largest donations to the Obama election fund came from –wait– unions.
File Under: Martin Luther Chang Obama’s Jobs Bill – Stone of HOPE.
The new Martin Luther King memorial now gracing our national mall was made in China.
Note to myself: delete this post – I don’t want to offend one of my blog readers named “funny” Hmm… maybe I should of titled this blog post — Funny.