Boston Real Estate for Sale

Boston Real Estate for Sale 


National Association of Realtors outlined the most important skills for a residential real estate broker/agent.


Boston real estate

Boston real estate

I have often been asked; What it takes to be a successful Boston real estate agent? The survey from the National Association of Realtors shows what kind of skills Boston real estate agents need to have. Most important, people skills are the most important skills, or more precisely I would put communication skills at the top. 

Boston Real Estate and Communication

From my experience, when something goes wrong with a Boston real estate transaction it is usually because of miscommunication or failure to communicate.

Boston Real Estate and Self-Motivation

Self-motivation and problem-solving skills are at the top of the list too. As a broker, my problem-solving skills are needed for survival.  Higher education is low on the list. I would argue that liberal arts majors may have an advantage as salespeople.

Boston Real Estate and the Bottom Line

I don’t think most people understand how important financial acumen is. Most real estate agents work on a 100% commission basis. Paychecks can be large but going for a couple of months without a paycheck is fairly common. Money has to be managed, some needs to be set aside to pay taxes, and some needs to go back into business expenses.

Waking up unemployed every day does take some resilience and is higher up on the list than sales and marketing acumen.

Most real estate agents are career changers and start selling real estate later in life. Right now the number of real estate agents is rising. Maybe it looks easy.

Boston Real Estate for Sale 


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