Boston Real Estate for Sale

Look around Beacon Hill and you’ll find that many families with young kids.As I look out my Charles Street window i;m amazed how many strollers go by.  Have you ever sat down and wondered why? What makes living in Beacon Hill so great? Is it that there’s so much to experience? Is it the interesting people? Is it the ever-changing weather? 

Yes, yes, yes…and then some!

If you’ve grown up in Boston Beacon Hill, consider yourself lucky. And if you’re raising kids here, good for you! Our little pocket of this country is chock full of reasons that it is the greatest neighborhood in America. I’m sure you can come up with a few on your own, but here are 5 great reasons why growing up in Baltimore is so great.

#1 We Get All Four Seasons

Downtown Boston  is lucky to have all four seasons come in to play throughout the year. Whether or not you love or hate the winter, you’ve got to love that first time waking up to your home to a white blanket across Beacon Hill. And growing up with snow days? I’m sure is Unbeatable. Ask any kid that grew up in a warmer climate if they wish they had snow days and you’ll get a resounding “YES!”

And you’ll be hard pressed to find a person who doesn’t love watching the leaves change in the fall as they look our their Beacon Hill condo at the Boston Common. Come on, how can you beat that? 

Sure, many warm climate states have spring and summer, but they don’t appreciate those seasons like us here in Boston Beacon Hill. We’ve looked forward to that warm weather all winter long so we appreciate that first warm day like no other! That feeling as a kid being able to play outside without a jacket for the first time in months? Priceless.

Do we get tired of certain seasons? (Looking at you hot summer and winters overstaying their welcome.) Of course. But looking forward to the next season is what makes life so great. Living with that delicate balance is unlike anything else and it’s something all kids are lucky to have.

#2 You Can Take the Coolest Field Trips

Where you live can make or break field trip time in school. If you live in a boring area you’re going to take boring field trips. But owning a Beacon Hill condo, your kids are lucky, we’re lucky to be close to a whole myriad of places to explore and learn. Trips can go from the seashore (Cape Cod)  to the mountains (Mt. Washington) to the urban areas of downtown Boston. Some of the popular spots include:

  • The Boston Museum of Art
  • The Freedom Trail
  • The National Aquarium
  • Museum of Science 
  • Charlestown Navy Yard
  • Boston Harbor

#3 You Have AWESOME Sports Teams

Can you imagine living in a city without a professional sports team? If you grew up in downtown Boston, you never had to! Growing up in Boston typically means you’re automatically into sports. It becomes part of the way you bond with people around you.

You can connect over your love for your team and experience that connection at Fenway Park on a mid-summer night. As a kid you probably remember how excited you were to sing the national anthem

Can any city commpare their football team to us? Come on.

#4 Beacon Hill Charm

Let’s face the charm of Beacon Hill is undeniable, from the Brick sidewalk to the 24hr gas lanterns.

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Beacon Hill Charity Donation

My new goal for the Fall of 2019 is to provide a percentage of our Beacon Hill Real Estate commission to fight Alzheimer’s

Select us to represent you either as a buyer or seller’s agent and we’ll give back a portion of the sales commission to find a cure for this awful disease.

  • Having a recent love one suffer and died from this illness broke my heart. Please let us work together to find a cure.
  • Ford Realty has been in business for over 20 years.
  • Ford Realty Inc has several 2019 positive Google Reviews
  • For more information email You can call or send us a text @ 617-595-3712.
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